Learn to Facilitate the Ultimate Experience of Relaxation
Yoga Nidra is an ancient yoga practice that facilitates not only deep relaxation but also true healing and transformation.
Yoga Nidra, or yogic sleep is gaining popularity due to its relaxing, rejuvenating and healing effects. The benefits of a regular Yoga Nidra practice are numerous and reach every system of the body. It has been proven effective as treatment for stress, anxiety, and even trauma. Yoga Nidra can help break habits or promote new ones. It is a tool for developing creativity and a way to align to a higher purpose. Because it initiates the parasympathetic nervous system, it can be especially helpful to counteract the effects of stress that are prevalent in our modern, busy culture.
Simple yet profound, Yoga Nidra leads the practitioner to a state of peace and inner awareness.
It takes you beyond the barriers of the five senses, initiating shifts from the deepest core of your being. This state of meditation provides you with powerful tools to eliminate stress and banish self-destructive unconscious fears, beliefs and habits.
Through a combination of lecture, discussion, asana, pranayama, giving and receiving Yoga Nidra, you will come to a greater understanding of this healing practice and leave with the confidence and capability to share it with others.
This 30 Hour training includes:
• How to practice Yoga Nidra correctly • How to teach Yoga Nidra in individual & group setting • How to find the right voice & script • How to guide with confidence • Different types of Yoga Nidra • Understand the core principles of Yoga Nidra • Understand the practice of Yoga Nidra • Understand the science behind Yoga Nidra • Understand the difference between Hypnosis & Yoga Nidra • Do's and Don'ts of Yoga Nidra
This 30 hour training is for instructors, health professionals, therapists, parents, or practitioners seeking to deepen their understanding of Yoga Nidra. This training is for anyone who would like to share the practice of Yoga Nidra with others, you do not need to be a yoga teacher or therapist.
MARIA CARR E-RYT 500, Registered Holistic Nutritionist
Maria Carr, yoga teacher since 1996, lead teacher in the Inspired Life Teacher Training program, owner of the Port Perry Flowyoga Studio and continual student of life. She is currently studying yoga anatomy with Leslie Kaminoff and Amy Matthews and is an avid student of yoga philosophy.
She is passionate about sharing the teachings of Yoga and strives to create a calm and open environment in which to practice. She completed her yoga teacher training in 1996 with Kaila Kukla and has been teaching full time ever since. In Toronto Maria worked with many different groups of people including those recovering from addictions and stressed out executives in both private and group settings. After moving to Port Perry in 2000 she began to develop a dedicated group of yoga students that continues to grow. The Port Perry Flowyoga Studio opened in 2009 to provide a sacred space for a deeper exploration between mind, body, breath and soul.
Maria embodies a deep sense of intuitive awareness as an instructor and is responsive to her students in a way that communicates love and joy.
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RESTORATIVE YOGA with Tara Stocker RYT 200 & Maria Carr E-RYT 500
Restorative yoga offers a lot more than just relaxation. It is an experience of deep meditation and can be a gateway to deep relaxation and the cultivation of mindfulness. Restorative Yoga postures are passive stretches supported by blocks, blankets and bolsters. These poses are designed to stimulate the reflexes that quiet the mind and stimulate the restoration of organs and glands. By channeling the energies of the body through specific pathways, restorative yoga creates a deep sense of relaxation and rejuvenation.
This 30 hour training includes:
• How to teach with Clarity, Compassion and Confidence • The history, philosophy and methodology of restorative yoga • All categories of asanas are practiced - backbends, forward bends, side bends, twists and inversions - in a completely receptive manner through the support of bolsters, blankets, straps, blocks and eye pillows. Each pose is held from 5-20 minutes giving the body ample time to unwind and move into the parasympathetic nervous system leading to an experience of healing rest • Sample sequences to practice and teach. You will work in partners and groups to teach these poses to each other. There will also be time for feedback and discussion on how to build your own restorative yoga class sequence • You will leave this training with more confidence in teaching restorative yoga classes as well as incorporating restorative poses into your regular active yoga classes • The Restorative Teacher Training is perfect for yoga teachers, acupuncturists, massage therapists, bodywork practitioners, or anyone interested in practicing and learning more about a restorative practice. Teachers, therapists, bodyworkers, can all get 7 CEUs from Yoga Alliance for this course • Includes a workbook for future reference
WHEN: October 3rd, 4th & 17th 18th 2020
TIME: 10:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
COST: $700.00+ HST ($91.00) = $791.00
Tara first discovered the benefits of yoga over 30 years ago, and in 2012 decided to take her practise to a new level. She successfully completed two RYT certifications and now has over 440 hours of professional yoga training.
She had the privilege of studying with Maria Carr at Port Perry Flow Yoga and with J.P. Tamblyn at the YogaYama Teacher's program at Ahimsa Yoga. She taught classes and led restorative workshops at Flow Yoga before opening up her own studio in Prince Edward County. Tara has participated in workshops with yoga luminaries such as Rodney Yee, Colleen Saidman, Andrea Pelosi and Seane Corn. She has enjoyed classes and retreats all over the world including Australia, New Zealand, Costa Rica, Italy, Mexico and the U.S., as well as studied meditation at the Sivananda Ashram in Val Morin, Quebec. Tara is committed to continually expanding her knowledge and understanding of yoga while sharing her passion for this practise with her students.
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ADVANCED ANATOMY with Angela Jervis-Read
Anatomy FUN-damentals is a series of workshops that will illuminate and make clear the mechanics within the shoulders, hips and the spine that connects them.
These workshops are experiential - we will explore asana’s so that you can feel what you are learning. Understanding in this way will allow you to immediately integrate this subject into your day to day teachings.
A yoga instructor who has sound knowledge of the musculoskeletal system has an edge. You will be able to assist your students with informed intelligence. Anatomy can be mysterious and daunting at first, and it is often the reason why many yoga teachers shy away from the subject. Learning anatomy will help you in three ways. You will be able to expand your private clientele, work safely in classes and deepen your own practice.
In today’s world yoga is being used more and more for therapeutic purposes to treat specific ailments. Working one-on-one with students to help correct postural imbalances and alleviate pain will keep your clients coming back for more.
In a class setting, not everyone is healthy. Knowing and understanding the most common ailments that affect these joints will allow you to keep all of your students safe without exasperating current conditions. You will be able to give alternative modifications and you will know what to avoid. Your confidence with hands-on adjustments will also grow when you know how a joint should move.
Expanding your knowledge of anatomy will help you in your own practice. Having a mental picture of what you are feeling in an asana will help you to explore the more subtle nuances of the pose with greater awareness.
This is going to be FUN!!!!! No previous knowledge of anatomy required.
WHEN: March 21st & 22nd 2020
TIME: 10:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
INVESTMENT: $350.00 + HST ($395.50)
We accept Credit, Debit, Cheques & e-transfer or sign up Online.
Angela Jervis-Read E-RYT 500 has been immersed in the world of yoga since 1998. She stumbled upon the science while seeking out a way to manage her chronic back back. Within a only a few months of practising her physical pain and attitude towards life had shifted dramatically. It was at this time, that she realized, that her mission in life was to spread the magic of yoga around the world.
Known as a pain specialist, Angela’s intuitive nature fuels her ability to manipulate the relationship between mind and body. She holds a private practice in Toronto, where she works one-on-one with people suffering from PTSD, depression, anxiety, arthritis, repetitive strain injuries and other mental and physical discomforts. Compassion and kindness define her approach, setting her clients at ease - allowing for the greatest potential for change.
Sought out by studios around the globe, Angela leads international teacher trainings, retreats and workshops in the both the yin and vinyasa traditions. She contributes to health and wellness magazines, has appeared on national television networks, speaks at conferences and is currently completing her first book.
Inspirations both and on and off the mat are: Jeannine Woodall, Hali Schwartz, Sarah Powers, Tom Myers and Rishi Sudhir of the Sampoorna Yoga School in Goa - India.
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Join Angela Jervis-Read for a fascinating and in-depth study of Yin Yoga. Immerse yourself fully to expand the depth of your personal practice and improve your effectiveness to work with students.
Develop a strong foundation in the psychology of yoga.
Learn three concise and easy to follow body maps - from which you will be able to build thoughtful, therapeutic and interesting classes.
• Chakra Theory (psychology of Indian Yoga) • Meridian Theory (psychology of Traditional Chinese Medicine) • Myofascial Trains (the hardware that carries the mental and emotional vibrations through our physical make-up)
Understanding the science behind yin yoga compliments many of our unique and diverse backgrounds. Massage therapists, psychotherapists, chiropractors, reiki practitioners, life coaches, and yoga teachers are just some of the many healers that can apply the knowledge of yin yoga to expand their understanding of the psychosomatic relationship.
WHEN: TBD 2020
TIME: 10:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
INVESTMENT: $1000.00 + HST ($1130.00)
We accept Credit, Debit, Cheques & e-transfer or sign up Online.
Angela Jervis-Read E-RYT 500 has been immersed in the world of yoga since 1998. She stumbled upon the science while seeking out a way to manage her chronic back back. Within a only a few months of practising her physical pain and attitude towards life had shifted dramatically. It was at this time, that she realized, that her mission in life was to spread the magic of yoga around the world.
Known as a pain specialist, Angela’s intuitive nature fuels her ability to manipulate the relationship between mind and body. She holds a private practice in Toronto, where she works one-on-one with people suffering from PTSD, depression, anxiety, arthritis, repetitive strain injuries and other mental and physical discomforts. Compassion and kindness define her approach, setting her clients at ease - allowing for the greatest potential for change.
Sought out by studios around the globe, Angela leads international teacher trainings, retreats and workshops in the both the yin and vinyasa traditions. She contributes to health and wellness magazines, has appeared on national television networks, speaks at conferences and is currently completing her first book.
Inspirations both and on and off the mat are: Jeannine Woodall, Hali Schwartz, Sarah Powers, Tom Myers and Rishi Sudhir of the Sampoorna Yoga School in Goa - India.
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PHILOSOPHY with Ram Vakkalanka
Bhagavad Gita: Finding Your Purpose in Life
The Bhagavad Gita is a perennial source of practical wisdom for life. It teaches man how to be deeply invested in life and at the same time transcend it. In the Gita, we find transformational wisdom about the simplest to the sublimest aspect of life. From what kind of food to eat all the way to the highest Vedanta philosophy; no important aspect of life is left untouched. Philosophically, the Gita helps people of all streams of thought in coming together. Practically, it helps people in all modes of life in transforming themselves. Over thousands of years, the Gita has guided millions of seekers in their quest to find their purpose in life. It helps balance spiritual aspirations and societal obligations, contribute to the community and lead fulfilling lives. The Bhagavad Gita can be an interesting historical document, intriguing philosophical work, instructional manual for how to live life as well as the best self-help book ever written, depending on how one approaches it. It teaches how man can attain perfection both as a spiritual being and societal being and leave his footprints inerasably in the sands of time.
In this training, Ram Vakkalanka is going to present the Bhagavad Gita in all its aspects - its historical background, its relevance to today's society, its philosophical aspects and its practical wisdom. He will reveal some of the wonderful secrets embedded in the ancient text that will simply ‘wow’ you. Regardless of one’s level of familiarity with the text, everyone will find something to take home.
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
Yoga is a system of philosophy as well as a discipline of practical application at the same time. Yoga invites us to expand our hearts, rise above mundane existential limitations and discover and celebrate the unlimited Divine Essence inside of us. The ultimate goal of Yoga is to help us live in perfect harmony with everything and everyone around us.
‘The Yoga Sutras’ of Patanjali is a great compendium of the principles and practices of Yoga. It is one of the most authoritative and time-tested texts on Yoga and has been guiding millions of practitioners over thousands of years. The Yoga Sutras contain a detailed roadmap with eight milestones that mark the yogic path of the practitioners. It is a perfect starting point for anyone looking to expand their Yoga practice beyond the mat and explore the philosophy behind the postures.
In this training, we will explore Yoga, Yoga psychology, the four-fold individual Consciousness, the eight limbs of Yoga proposed by the Sutras, the goal of Yoga and how Yoga leads to a life perfectly harmonious with everything and everyone.
WHEN: TBD 2020
TIME: 10:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
COST: $350.00+ HST ($45.50) = $395.50
Ram Vakkalanka was born and brought up in India, in a family dedicated to a Yogic style of living. He grew up studying Sanskrit language, Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads and chanting Mantras as a life style. In his teens, Ram started studying music through the Sitar, eventually leading to Nada Yoga. Simultaneous to Yogic education, Ram also pursued mundane education, amassed a few qualifications in Finance, worked in the upper echelons of Management in the corporate world in Singapore, Africa, USA and Canada.
It was in Canada, Ram met his spiritual Guru and that meeting changed his life completely. In 2010, Ram quit the corporate world and dedicated his life to spreading the sublime philosophy of Veda and Vedic sciences such as Astrology and Ayurveda.
Ram travels around the world sharing his deep knowledge of Yogic philosophy, Sanskrit, Nada Yoga as well as Vedic sciences such as Ayurveda and Astrology. His teachings are simple but profound, filled with current examples and humour.
So far 22 CDs in three languages, one DVD and an online course about the origin and evolution of Yoga of Ram’s works have been published in three languages. He has appeared on the TV as well as Radio on numerous occasions.
To be “Emergent” is to be in the process of coming into being and to me movement is always evolving.
This all levels weekend training incorporates updated researched based Yoga, Functional Movement, Strength Training and creative Mobility exercises designed to help you diversify your movement diet, feel good, and explore familiar and unfamiliar movements.
Mixing up movement and preparing the body for certain moves are essential when it comes to building strength and mobility, mitigating repetitive strain injury, creating new pathways in the brain and in preparation of everyday life.
Whether you are looking to feel better in your Yoga Practice or just in general, I guarantee that you will walk out feeling strong, re-energized and inspired from the inside out!
Saturday (upper body strength and mobility, full body and core) and Sunday (lower body strength and mobility, full body and core).
WHEN: TBD 2020
TIME: 10:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
COST: $350.00+ HST ($45.50) = $395.50
Kristy Pisani has been teaching yoga and diverse movement for just under a decade.
Along with yoga movement, she is also a mindfulness practitioner; helping people to de-stress and tune into the present moment. As an Ambassador for the Healthy Body Image Movement, she is passionate about helping people accept and feel good in their bodies through all stages of life. Her passion for yoga, movement, mindfulness, and healthy body image is always growing and she cannot wait to practice with you.
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Port Perry Flowyoga Studio
183 Casimir Street, Unit 2, Port Perry, ON, L9L 1B7 905-441-7874